Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Word From Our Sponsors

We live in a curious age that has recently been marked by class warfare that stems from a corporate sponsorship/ownership of world governments. As a group Anonymous has made it a point to expose fraudulent links between corporations and puppet governments. Moving in a parallel direction are scads of citizen protests around the globe that are seeking to restore governments that represent and work for the people. These can be seen in Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, China, Wisconsin, and elsewhere.

Over the weekend Anon sent a press release to Gawker Media stating intentions to release documents proving systemic fraud within Bank of America.
OperationLeaks, which runs the anti-Bank of America site, says the employee contacted the group to blow the whistle on Bank of America's shady business practices. "I seen some of the emails… I can tell you Grade A Fraud in its purest form…" read one tweet. "He Just told me he have GMAC emails showing BoA order to mix loan numbers to not match it's Documents.. to foreclose on Americans.. Shame."

Alongside this a video was uploaded yesterday announcing Operation Empire State Rebellion. It is something I only thought I would only see in science-fiction, but alas this is the reality we find ourselves in.

Full speech from the excerpt at the end (quite relevant):

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