Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Song of the Day (1.26.11)

Ra Ra Riot - "Boy"

Ra Ra Riot is one of those bands that if I were in my high school years still, I'd be a super fan. They kind of remind me of a cross between Jimmy Eat World (Bleed American remains a guilty pleasure) and Vampire Weekend. I think the most distinctive element to their sound is their use of a string section. In almost all of their tracks you'll hear violins, a viola, and/or a cello - that's really what separates their sound from most of the other indie (I hate using that term) pop bands right now.

They've been around for a few years now and released their second album, The Orchard, in 2010. The album itself isn't perfect by any stretch (I prefer their debut The Rhumb Line), but there's a few stand out tracks. This is one of them.

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