Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bell's Hopslam

As someone who has lived in Michigan their entire life, there are two things an outsider needs to know about this great state.

First, don't ever get used to any temperature. It can be a warm and sunny 82 degrees one day, but then a cold and overcast 63 degrees the next. If you enjoy the weather, just wait a day.

Second, the breweries. Michigan breweries are among the best in the country. The state of Michigan has over 50 breweries registered with the Michigan Brewers Guild, which is astounding! Bell's, Founder's, Short's, Arbour, Arcadia, and several others anchor Michigan as one of the best states to be in if you're a beer advocate. Throughout the entire state, there are micro-breweries scattered all over the place. And does it come as a surprise? There ain't a whole hell of a lot to do in this state! Kidding, kidding.

At any rate, Bell's Brewery is probably the most renown in the state. What used to have a niche following, Bell's now has representation in almost every bar all over the state (especially in the summer with their "Oberon" brew).

As someone who loves a tasty brew, there is nothing more exciting than in January every year. What happens in January? Bell's releases their "Hopslam Ale" in very limited quantities. Hopslam is exactly what it sounds like. It's a high-alcohol (10% abv) brew with a ridiculous amount of hops flavor. If you've ever tasted Dogfish Head's 90 minute or 120 minute IPA, take that, and multiply it by three - add two scoops of honey and grapefruit flavor and you might have something that'll resemble Hopslam. A beer this hoppy isn't for a casual beer drinker. A beer like this is for someone with the acquired taste. And lets not kid ourselves, priced as high as $23 for a six pack, the casual beer drinker wouldn't even consider purchasing it.

If you're into really tasty beers, buy this. It's my favorite beer (although Rogue's "Dead Guy Ale" is pretty damn good as well) and it's like fucking Christmas when I find that first mini-keg of it sitting on the local independent grocery store's shelf. Not only that, but it's one of the few beers I've ever seen on Beer Advocate to earn an "A" grade; that's not easy to achieve!

BUY IT! You won't regret it...and next January you'll get as excited as I do!

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