Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Song of the Day (2.16.2011)

Iron and Wine - "Tree by the River"

Iron and Wine is easily one of my favorite bands of all time. Sam Beam might be one of the best singer/songwriters from this decade and he only continues to release great material.

I have mixed feeling about their latest album Kiss Each Other Clean, but it's not like that washes away The Shephard's Dog, Our Endless Numbered Days, The Creek Drank the Cradle, or any of their several EPs (including their collaboration with Calexico).

Actually, some of Iron and Wine's best material might be covers(Such as, Stereolab's "Peng! 33," The Flaming Lip's "Waiting for Superman," New Order's "Love Vigilante," Postal Service's "Such Great Heights"). I strongly urge anyone to look up these tracks and give them a listen.

This song is from their latest album, but it's a track that Beam has been working on for years. In fact there's been several different live versions of the track performed over the years.

What's better than and Iron and Wine album? Hear them live and listening to it organically, like this track here.

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